Barbados Tourism Statistics Dashboard

Stayover Visitor Arrivals by Market
Market 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Canada 86,600 61,768 32,932 17,316 55,759 77,140
Caricom 103,051 75,971 22,390 13,908 58,435 88,524
Other Europe 38,552 24,486 63,038 8,959 26,606 28,306
Rest of World 25,834 19,254 14,613 6,207 16,110 22,099
United Kingdom 221,167 171,121 63,923 53,639 234,510 243,857
United States 204,274 168,281 43,222 44,804 148,326 176,677
Total 679,478 520,881 240,118 144,833 539,746 636,603
Source: Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI)
E = Estimates
Total Cruise Passengers Arrivals
Month 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January 123,114 107,587 109,172 0 31,431 83,981
February 78,433 82,247 85,214 0 25,163 76,571
March 91,318 92,321 56,118 0 37,784 82,105
April 54,633 58,512 3 12 21,610 47,610
May 21,137 20,507 25 0 0 5,119
June 19,000 18,950 0 2,001 0 0
July 18,280 18,996 0 2,018 0 0
August 21,026 24,931 0 1,569 0 0
September 22,248 19,182 0 114 2,278 0
October 18,208 0 0 1,478 11,256 6,676
November 87,042 0 10 17,099 44,987 52,348
December 60,554 0 0 47,662 76,018 87,267
Total 614,993 443,233 250,542 71,953 250,527 441,677
Source: Barbados Statistical Service
P = Provisional
Cruise Ship Calls
Month 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January 82 77 79 2 61 68
February 62 59 65 1 57 66
March 77 68 48 1 60 77
April 33 39 4 7 25 31
May 13 7 20 4 0 2
June 8 6 8 4 0 1
July 6 7 5 9 0 0
August 7 8 1 12 0 0
September 8 7 0 4 1 0
October 8 0 2 8 9 5
November 55 0 2 28 40 49
December 77 0 0 67 66 77
Total 436 278 234 147 319 376
Source: Barbados Statistical Service
P = Provisional
Total Registered Tourist Accommodation
Year # Of Establishments # Of Bedrooms
2018 153 6,657
2019 153 6,573
2020 153 6,626
2021 138 6,052
2022 149 6,573
2023 156 6,954
Source: Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA)
Number of Establishments
Year Hotels Apartments Guest Houses Total
2018 63 67 23 153
2019 64 69 20 153
2020 65 68 20 153
2021 60 64 14 138
2022 59 76 14 149
2023 64 78 14 156
Source: Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA)
Number of Bedrooms
Year Hotels Apartments Guest Houses Total
2018 5,406 1,066 185 6,657
2019 5,358 1,043 172 6,573
2020 5,531 916 179 6,626
2021 4,980 930 142 6,052
2022 5,380 1,061 132 6,573
2023 5,757 1,072 125 6,954
Source: Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA)